“Kids are going to flock to these sites just to see what it is about and it can lead them to other places,” said Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs spokesman Mark Woodward.
“I-dosing,” as it’s known, involves slapping on headphones and listening to “binaural, or two-tone technology, to alter your brain waves and mental state.” The sounds apparently induce effects similar to those caused by marijuana, cocaine, opium and peyote, with different tracks presumably causing different effects since it’s no great secret that the effects of marijuana, cocaine, opium and peyote are completely different from one another. I mean, who would make up something this ridiculous? The concerned folks at Oklahoma’s News 9 certainly seem to be taking it seriously as they talk breathlessly about the “alarming new trend” that has “parents, educators and law enforcement officials” fretting over the latest danger facing today’s kids. The trouble with a story like this is that it’s so unbelievably stupid and overwrought that deep down inside, I can’t help but think that maybe there’s actually some truth to it.
Parents, teacher and the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics are up in arms over “i-dosing,” a new craze sweeping the nation in which kids get high by putting on headphones and listening to “digital drugs.”